When I released 'Basement Tales' at the beginning of 2023, it was clear and obvious to me that my research could not produce anything 'definitive', given that there can be no 'end' word for this type of project.

The book, dedicated to the underground releases of songs from the 'Basement Tapes' on vinyl, had a good distribution and a reception that surprised me. It has also allowed me to get in touch with many readers, including important international collectors, who have encouraged me to continue my research and whom I would like to thank sincerely.

I have always considered 'Basement Tales' as a useful tool to gather unpublished information and new material to archive. Now, by being able to share part of the contents of the book online with a wider audience of interested people, I hope to further facilitate the achievement of this goal.

I therefore extend my warmest invitation to all of you to actively participate in this project by sharing information, reports and contributions of all kinds, which will then enrich the 'Basement Tales' database.

The contributions collected will be shared through regular updates to the site.

Andrea Brillo, November 2023

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